Monday, January 28, 2008
little machine
We are on to our third loaf (in there cooking now) This one will be gifted to Ma and Pa Duck Herder. Along with quite a few spaghetti squashes.
Last night, my family came over and I made pizza - the little machine makes pizza dough too!
The organic wholemeal spelt flour I am using is working just fine. I have been adding sunflower seeds and linseeds to the loaves and they are moist, fairly dense, but with excellent texture and flavour. mmmm hmmmmm.
In other news, it is hot hot hot here today - and windy. We went and watched the mountain biking (men and women's elite short course) up the road at Stromlo. Exciting, hot dusty stuff. Didn't make me miss racing though. Funny how only the spectators are smiling in those short races!
The new track is GREAT.
If I was good, I would have made another batch of face cream and sewn some broccoli, beetroot, onion and leek seeds. Instead, I have been mooching around watching Northern Exposure DVDs. Very naughty. But very relaxing. I think I cooked myself out there in the sun.
Apart from that, not much to report, except that Mongo has learnt to march inside the moment a door is left open, steal the cat food and poop on the wooden floor. Lucky he is tiny - if he was a poddy lamb he would be the one that ends up a violent rouge for sure.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
loose ends
Other significant events include a four day meditation and yoga retreat at the coast last week. What a lovely way to start the year.
And new year resolutions........?
To let go. To surrender.
Yup. 2008 - the year of letting go.
bring it on.
spaghetti squash #2
Spaghetti Squash Soup
- Saute some fresh homegrown garlic in some locally produced chemical free olive oil in a refillable bottle.
- Add some mustard seeds, cumin and after a little bit, a fresh chopped tomato.
- Then, add 1 small/medium freshly picked spaghetti squash - peeled and chopped into big chunks, some water (not too much) and a few red lentils.
- Bring to boil then simmer till squash is cooked. Mash until squash turns into spaghetti.
- While soup is cooking, roast some pepitas and sunflower seeds. When starting to brown, sprinkle in some tamari and stir with wooden spoon to coat. Leave to cool.
- Add some fresh chopped coriander and fresh lemon juice to soup. Serve and sprinkle with seeds.
look what I got!
Recently and in my nicest voice I asked the universe if she would please be so kind and generous as to organise a bread maker for me. A bit of research suggested that a Breville ULTIMATE Baker's Oven might be the go.
Now my personal view is that the universe lovingly supports all things elegantly frugal, and the fact that my parents in law just happened to have the EXACT same model, purchased 10 years ago, and not used for about 5, still in the box, complete with instruction booklet, and because it is so old, MINUS the annoying "BEEPING" that seems to turn some folks against the new version just goes to show I could be right!
Yay - I love my life! A new toy - without spending. Reusing - the first principle of reducing consumption and waste.
Our first loaf is in there now. I have used organic wholemeal spelt flour and added some flax seeds. So far so good, the spelt seems to have risen OK. Hee hee.
hee hee
BLOG UPDATE! The bread is just perfect. We have eaten the whole loaf. Hooray.
Lovely organic spelt bread EVERYDAY. yippee
Thursday, January 24, 2008
food makes everything better
Look at all those baby Maurices! (unfortunately, not a feathered middle toe amongst them!)
I will see how they go, and hopefully keep a few.
And here is another picture with "Mongo" in the back left (named after Mr Duck Herder's extremely tall friend Mr Mongesten) the bold little fella we kept from the last batch - of still indeterminate sex - runt of the litter so to speak - tiny - completely useless for breeding, but so bold and friendly s/he runs up and leaps onto your lap, arm or legs demanding food.
Oh, I forgot to mention that one of Maurice's last acts of greatness was to win his category (the only fluffy roo!) in the Backyard Poulty Online Poultry Show! I think it will be a while before I can look at any of his lovely pictures.......
Poor old Maurice.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
hospital visits
In other news, the crocheting is coming along slowly. Here is a practice run of double stitch. I am also practicing half treble.
My big problem is working out which stitch to start with in a new row. My biggest "doh" moment is working out that to help keep the sides neat, I need to do the extra chain stitches at the END of each row and THEN turn around. This has helped heaps.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
a pox on your rooster!
Monday, January 7, 2008
the one that got away.....

So I am not sure if it was the perfect farm at the wrong time, or if we will find a better farm when we are finally ready to move in 18 months or so.....or if I have made a terrible mistake.
It has been a crash course in head versus heart versus intuition. In the end, I let the intuition win - throughout our negotiations there was something holding me back. I was worried that perhaps it was fear - but I think that even though my HEAD was saying "this farm is perfect - just BUY it", my intuition was saying (very quietly) "something's wrong".
Will I ever find out if my intuition was right? probably not.
Part of me is sad. Part of me thinks we made a terrible mistake, and part of me thinks that for some reason, even though it seems perfect, either this isn't the farm, or it isn't the time. BUt thank you very much for your thoughts and well wishes.
strange stuff.
normal broadcasting will resume shortly........