Saturday, January 31, 2009
currency of the neighbourhood
Friday, January 30, 2009
Avocado Shanty is BACK
Avocados do not like wet feet. The ONC has an abundance of nice thick wet clay subsoil and while most of my efforts were focused on stopping my babies from drying out, it only took an unusually wet couple of days in winter to invite a nice rooty fungus and thus avocado disaster.
So, this next attempt involves growing my beloved avocado in a large half wine barrel. This my friends will hopefully achieve a number of benefits. Firstly, Miss Bacon's roots are well out of the clay, secondly, the extra height should give me perhaps another one or two degrees warmth in winter, thirdly, I can fill the wine barrel with loads of excellent soil, fourthly, by drilling lots of holes in the bottom of the barrel, there is no chance of water logging and once (if) she gets big, her roots can get down into the soil as well.
Other site design elements include a strategic location along site the water tanks which should further insulate my darling from the cold and make daily watering in summer a breeze. I haven't completely ruled out the possibility of using my chick brooder heat lamp overnight in winter.........
So far so good. These photos are from when she first went in and since then, she had put on loads of growth including lots of all important side shoots. You see, avocados are a bit special in that their trunks photosynthesis which makes them susceptible to direct sunlight and frost until they grow up a bit and bush out. This explains the hessian cover to protect her leaves and stem from the sun.
Fingers crossed. Will keep you posted.
For the most EXCELLENT Gardening Australia article on growing avocados including the avocados in a pot idea, see here.
For avocado trees, you might like to try sunraysia nursery - I have had great service from these friendly folks. They also have an excellent range of kiwi vines.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Bringing in the Harvest
And here are the tomatoes. Lots of green. Not a lot of red yet! And a lovely view across to Mt Stromlo.
And here is another view of my plot at the community garden.
Started digging up the taties today.
Do you know what I love? I love my garden.
Friday, January 9, 2009
cucurbits and calcium

lacuna sabbath
We have superb fairy wrens nesting in the garden. Mr Fairy Wren rouses on me whenever I walk up to the duck house. Usually we are told off each year with the chicka chicka chicka of the willy wag tails but this year the rousing emanates from the brilliant blue of Mr Fairy Wren. I will try and get a photo of him but if you are interested, they look like this.
In other news, I pulled up the last of the first lot of onions. They are AMAZING. Is it rude for an onion to weigh 330gms? Imagine - three onions to the kilo! Nothing tastes so good as caramelised red onions especially THESE sweet sweet onions.
Other events of the day include fixing a leaking water pipe, collecting a trailer load of horse poop and sawdust from the stables up the road and cycling over to Ma and Pa Duck Herder because I heard Mama was baking orange rock cakes I mean for a visit.
Thats what the lacuna sabbath is ALL about.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
resolutions and a roll call
Winky. Winky is a pure bred pekin hen. Now unlike the faverolles, the pekin eggs hatched out wonderfully - 75% which adds further evidence to my theory that air travel does not do fertile eggs any good at all. One of Winky's eyes was stuck closed after she hatched, which explains the name. Nothing that a deft touch with a wet cotton bud couldnt fix. She is all good now.
Here is a shot of Miss Quentin and Annie Clare. Winky and Big Fella are hiding on the left.
And here is Camilla. The only chicken on the block who is actually laying. Everyone else is either too old, too fluffy or too young.
For example, dear old Charlotte here, is WAY too old to lay eggs anymore, but she has very important jobs like pooping in the garden and marching inside to steal the cat food and entertaining our guests by jumping up on the outdoor table to see what is for lunch. Charlotte loves BBQs.
Well, thats it for chooks. Perhaps ducks next?
Friday, January 2, 2009
news on the fruit front
And here is the new Apricot - a Morepark Early. Welcome to the family Miss Morepark
I am trying something new -duo plantngs. Here is a peachcot and an Angel (flat) peach.
And here is my tara fig / grape kiwi / kiwi berry call it what you will actinidia arguta. In case you are not familiar with them - they are the little hairless grape sized kiwi fruit you see in little square plastic punnets at the supermarket (for those of you who still go there!). They are sweeter than normal kiwi fruit. This variety "issai" is actually self fertile although depending on when it flowers, I am sure it will benefit from Mr Kiwi's presence. You can use a normal kiwi male to fertilise argutas.
And here is the real thing! As mentioned elsewhere, these are of the "hayward" variety. It is hard to believe how many kiwi fruit are on these two vines. I stopped counting after 200.
And finally, this is the first year that BOTH the feijoa trees have flowered - so it will be interesting to see if we get any fruit this year.