
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kiwi dating game

So after worrying about the female kiwi vines budding up before the male, it looks like Mr Kiwi is now out in front and the girls are lagging a little. Behold the first Kiwi flower of the season.

Come on girls!

In other news, it rained last night and today - WONDERFUL for the garden but not too good for my tomato planting plans. Its cleared up a little now, but there is a cold wind - not much fun for the newlyplanted - so I wait and see how the weather is later today or tomorrow.

Clever Amelia hatched out 7 little ducklings.

Oh, and after lots of drama we ended up with 13 Pekin bantam babies and only ONE faverolle. The faverolle is a he and has been duly christened "the big fella". He isn't even a very good faverolle - wrong number of toes, not quite right colour - but he'll do and I love him. He is also called "the $50 chicken" seems thats what I paid for the dozen faverolle eggs plus freight. I have never had much luck with eggs that have traveled by air. Road freight - not a problem. Express freight from QLD - not so good. He likes to sit on my shoulder in the evening while the news is on.

Hosui and Kosui have lots of perfect tiny nashis - they seem to have grown out of their juvenile budjump problem which is a relief.

The mulberries are ripening. The broadbeans are prolific - I will start freezing these tomorrow. The strawberries are luscious. It looks like we will get a crop of gooseberries for the first time. The young berries and raspberries are flowering. The lemon is looking much much better after a dose of Epsom salts and some potash.

This chilly return of winter has got me baking muffins and crocheting -its all good.


Melinda said...

Yes, I had planting plans too! LOL! Love the rain, however some warm weather would be nice afterwards. (then more rain please!)

I did get some planting done this weekend anyway, hopefully this week will be warmer so things can start to grow.

How cute of the Fav to sit on your shoulder! Shame he's not better bred, but he sounds cute anyway.

The Duck Herder said...

Hi Melinda - hope you got some gardening in on this gorgeous day!

Sigh.... dear little mr big fella. I have surrendered my intentions to breed quality favs and will instead embrace a backyard of happy mongrel egg layers with a fatty boof headed rooster who sits on my shoulder like a 6 pound parrot!

I miss having a rooster (dear old Maurice - thats another story....) so I have high hopes for boofhead.

Anonymous said...

Good Melinda. Is she a Khaki Campbell? None of my KCs will sit. I'm hoping my new ducklings are girlies & that at least 1 of them will sit for me. I think the yellows will be Aylesburys, not sure about the black & yellows.

Puppies are also a mystery, they just get bigger & more rolypoly, but exhibit no characteristics from either parent, so paternity is still a mystery. They like Midnight Ripple ~ the fluffy-coated Lurcher boy pup, & are loved (literally) by the Wo;fie & the fluffy cat (who thinks that she's a dog).

Wish I could give you a cockerel or 3 (NOT Woodstock or Li Tze, though).