
Saturday, July 31, 2010

crochet house eaters & bikes

I have almost finished making one of these.

These have been eating my house again. If you look carefully, just to the left of this bastard cockies foot, you can see where he has been biting off pieces of pergola.

And I really want one of these:

But the one fellow in Australia who was importing them has just gone out of business............So unless I can import one myself, I may end up getting one of these:

I am over having to put on cycling gear and cleated shoes to ride anywhere. I want to travel by bike in my civilian clothes, skirts and nice shoes. I want baskets and bells and comfort and style - something to REALLY compete with the car for convenience and fun.

That is all!


Queen of the Tea Cosies said...

Finish knitting your Scare Cocky and perch him up on the pagoda.

Jacqueline said...

ah the terrorists - they land military style on the Summer Palace, position themselves over a bolt each then off they go - gnawing gnawing gnawing. When they get tired of that they chew my neighbour's house. God bless them - it's asbestos fibro so I hope they don't continue with their renovations much longer.

Love your crochet rosella (?) - would make a wonderful hat, don't you think?

Jacqueline said...

PS I saw one of those bikes in Melbourne - 'cept it was mint green. Oh the envy I felt! I have a pretty neat bike but it is only for shops and back as there are far too many hills up here (got it at the markets for $50 - it's a Peugeot, no less and it collapses - not while you're on it) but I really need a basket for it. Maybe I could crochet one...

The Duck Herder said...

heehee. hmmm, I never thought of them as terrorists........just BASTARD COCKATOOS!!!!! But you really do have a point Miss LITD. And they do seem to form cells and splinter groups (no pun intended, about the propensity to turn your wooden window frames into piles of splinters....) that IS funny. They just snack on oregon and western red cedar around here......

Enjoy the cold lovely ladies!