Thursday, April 30, 2009
can we start that one again

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Birthday Wishes

Well, Mountain Man aka Pa Kettle aka The Cougar is on the right track. While filling in the gaping holes in the driveway (and I use that term VERY loosely) up to the windy ridge, he dug up a very old, hand forged crow bar. (Luckily there wasn't a tired old farmer skeleton still attached to the handle.) Well, bit of a grind and a brush, bit of pink paint, and voila! Could there be a more perfect present? And I was just musing where I might find me an old crow bar since Pa Duck Herder took his back...... YAY. Thank you Mr Cougar.

And look - Lesley gave me a whole box of vacola jars. THANK YOU. And she didn't even know it was my birthday.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We had our first KIWI fruit this week. So now I guess we can start picking them in little batches. Kiwis don't ripen on the tree - but they store there OK. Apparently they are even better once the frost has got to them, so we will just start working our was through them slowly.

And then I reckon that's it for today. If I was good I would do some re-potting, but I am not so I wont.

Friday, April 17, 2009
lacuna sabbath
s'wats bin 'apning?
Well, I have been TIRED and GRUMPY. But this morning Mr Duck Herder made me get in the car and drive to Black Mountain for a run. Because my beloved is VERY FAST, we usually go our separate ways and meet up at the end for a coffee in the botanic gardens. As we parted, my beloved said "make sure you turn that frown up side down by the time I see you again" which made me laugh at my silliness right away and in no time I was in love with life again.

After looking at the Woodbridge website, the one of the left looks a bit like a Pomme de Neige (also known as snow apple, lady in the snow, fameuse or chimney apple). The fruit is very red, flat and smallish. The flavour is lovely. The texture is a bit thick.
The middle one looks a little like a Lord Lambourne or a Blenheim Orange. Of course, they are almost definitely seedlings, so who knows.
I have just bottled what I am calling the "Pookie Hill Apples". I have decided that number 31 vacola jars are the new black. Why did I ever bother with little 3" openings?
And in other news, we have opened our home to two little teenage mothers who were dumped outside the RSPCA with 9 kittens between them. A few months ago we lost our most spoilt beloved little poppet and while I still miss her dreadfully, we also missed having that lovely pussy cat energy in the house. So here we are - Chu-Chu and Ziva. It is hard to get good photos of them - they are still a bit scatty and timid, but very sweet. They are best friends, probably sisters and little Ziva who is the naughtiest is also very very shy and seems to need Chu-Chu for confidence.