
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Worshiping at the Altar of Green Smoothies

Well, it has been almost a month since I started worshiping at the altar of green smoothies. This was breakfast yesterday; banana, pear, apple,ginger and fresh from the garden: lettuce, baby beet leaves, parsley, carrot tops, black kale, and mint.

 And this is what it looks like all mushed up. DELICIOUS.

Today was chia seeds, cinnamon, apple, banana and a WHOLE LETTUCE.

I think these things have changes my life. I feel zingy and I have more energy and the fog is lifting from my brain and I have lost 2 kg without even trying. Other weird things, I have LOST my cravings for naughty sweet cakes and deserts and bread and biscuits. They have just gorn......

Crazy stuff.


Caribou said...

Wow, that looks like it would be so good for you!
Do you use a blender or juicer?

dixiebelle said...

I've been intrigued by green smoothies for a while now... but not enough to actually try one yet. However, I love greens... I crave greens. Your shining review of them may just sway me...

Melinda said...

I had two green smoothies today.... The first was very green tasting, the second I added a tiny bit if maple syrup and it was better.

I felt great today, first day in a long time that I haven't been exhausted by lunch. Definitely going to continue having them!

Glenn said...

To second Caribou, what type of blender / juicer? Currently considering options. Nice post.