Anyway, it was FUN and I think Mr Duck was happy not to have to stop and wait for his slow poke wife all the time, and I was happy not to have to huff and puff to keep up. I also REALLY liked using the tandem as a serious car replacement. I hitched up my frock and we rode it to the wedding all the way along the beach. We rode it to dinner. We rode it to the pub. We just rode it around and around sight seeing. And everywhere we rode it, it made people smile and wave and say hello.
I LOVED riding in my civilians rather than gearing up into lycra and silly shoes. Now don't get me wrong, that's fine for heading off into the mountains for some serious single track or on a long road ride, but replacing car trips - shopping, visiting, going to the pub, going out to dinner....well I think it is splendid to do this in exactly the clothes and shoes you want to be wearing when you get there. And I like the idea of slowing down and arriving sans sweat or puff.
Anyway. We have been kinda looking for a second hand tandem.....and then I found this:

We have been listing all the places we could ride it.......and identifying all the car trips we could have done on our bike for two if we had him already. Most of the trips we make together are around 10 - 15 km each way. Certainly doable on our bike for two.