Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tea Cosys #5 and #6

Saturday, May 23, 2009
onions for all seasons

Today I cleaned up where the tomatoes were, added some gypsum, chook poo and mulch. All ready for onions in early spring.
Friday, May 15, 2009
new skills

The other day, while having lunch with my friend Robin, (you know, with the amazing old apple tree) we had the most luscious quinces for desert. Serendipitously the tree from which said quinces came from, is on her "to prune" list, so I have organised to get the prunings and will try and strike them, because well, because I can! It is a smyrna quince. yay.
Today Lesley and I were walking around my backyard looking at the fruit trees and well, Lesley is a REAL horticulturalist and she showed me the different between leaf buds and fruiting buds on the nectarine and peach trees. Even now in May, she pointed out how the little triple buds are flower buds, and the single or double ones are for leaves. And well, obviously for me to learn this, there much have been some triple buds on my new little trees. HEAPS of them. How clever. How MARVELOUS!
Also, I have three new holes waiting waiting for some new fruit trees. I have three pear trees coming, which will be planted all together in the one hole, and an angelina plum, and a santa rosa plum, and another apricot coming. Yes, I know, I am missing a hole. Not sure where the apriot is going to go. But I will worry about that later.
well, thats all for now.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Everything is NEW

Technically the first of our autumn veggies ready to start eating. That OK, I was sick of eggplants, capsicums, zucs and tomatos anyway!

So beautiful! I really only put these seedlings in a few weeks ago and already the beetroots are big enough to start picking.

Newly planted English Spinach seedlings. Note the toilet roll seed raising tubes. They work so well.

Newly separated and planted leek seedlings - bit droopy. I grow my leeks by sowing very densely in one small place. Then, when they are between 2 - 15mm wide, I dig them up with a fork, separate them and plant them deeply. Leeks are so forgiving and generous and with a little bit of planning, easy to have available all year round.

More newly planted English Spinach and lettuce sheltering this side of the corn.


Meet Esmond. "handsome protector". He is AGGRESSIVE! He hisses at me if I get too close. Shows character I think. (hope) I have him separated atm. Amelia isn't much interested in him just yet. Mind you, she yelled a LOT less today knowing he was in the yard.